Saturday, January 1, 2011

Day 1 - Genesis

When reading from Genesis today, I realized that in 1:27 the Bible says that "God created human beings," but it isn't until 2:7 that "God formed the man from the dust of the ground." Am I missing something here? It does also say in 2:7 that "He breathed the breath of life into the man's nostrils, and the man became a living person." So, I'm thinking that He created man, but without life, and then He gave him life? Interesting. Weigh in!


  1. I've always read that section including 1:27 being an overview of the seven days of creation or as 2:4 says "this is the account of the creation of the heavens and the earth." Then the next section gives us more depth to God's creations and the order he established and man's role in it.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Hey All,

    I was going to post this article I found from Tim Keller that talks about this issue as well as Christianity and evolution. I thought it was really an amazing read. It answered or at least brought up possible answers to many questions I've had. I'll even say that it gave me a greater understanding of our purpose here on earth. You do have to read it really carefully to understand all of the points he makes. However, it is DEFINITELY worth the read!

    Tim Keller's paper on Christianity, Adam, and evolution

  4. I'm realizing that none of my comments are publishing- I guess you have to hit "post comment" twice? Anyway, trying again here...

    Keller's take seems to be that between Gen 1 and 2, one must be taken figuratively and one literally in order for them to both be true (which we know they are as part of the inspired bible). I looked into some other scholars' analysis of the original Hebrew, which seems to read as a literal solar day in Genesis 1, so I'm still going through possibilities. In case anyone is interested, I ran across an interesting perspective on how they could both be literal and align from a creationist/scientist here as well:


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